Letters to fans > Letter #8

From: Tom Cook
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: Updates to TomsGoodFile.com

Dear fans of TomsGoodFiles.com,

If you've only recently been added to this mailing list, you might want to read the handful of letters from the past. You can see them at this link. It would give you a bit of perspective of where we've been.

Probably the most meaningful change to the website recently was the overhaul of the style that put the menus in the left margin of every page. It makes it much easier to get everywhere we want TO go FROM anywhere we've been (fewer clicks). But I told you about that in my March blog update. Hopefully, you've noticed the tool-tip info boxes that appear when you hover your mouse over many items, particularly the menu buttons.

But there have been a few additions of content as well. Some of these you may have seen, depending on how long you've been on my mailing list and whether you've noticed them on the site. Over recent months, I have added:

--A YouTube video some QRA practitioner put up, which I found and added to the QRA Videos page. He demonstrates how to use Q-Tape to do energetic remediation on your home.
--A page describing Dr. Vincent Medici's "new" (as of Apr 2011) radio show, Straight Talk. It gives the growing list of show subjects, as well as general description of what his show is and why its a valuable resource to us. I give a link to his site, but can't give direct access to the downloads. (You have to go to his site for that.)
--An additional article about sunscreens, "7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure" to the "Dr. Sunshine" page. I added it to the bottom, so most have probably not seen it. I need to make it more visible by adding a 2-item menu at the top.
--A page, "Mud Packing Photos", which are both of mud preparation and how it can look on people, including myself.
--A nearly empty page, "QRA and Sign Spinning", a very cryptic page as it has nearly no content yet, just two links.
--A 1-min special video clip from "The Outer Limits" TV show, giving a quote from it that speaks greatly of the importance of new discoveries from "nobodies".
--A big addendum to the QRA PDFs page, I added the "QRA Product Name Cross-reference (and Historical Literaure library)". The cross-reference is there, but the literature is largely not present yet.
--A few special pages linked to in the Best of HealthLine library called "BUZZes". That's short for Practitioner Buzz, practitioners "talking" among themselves. I was priveleged to get limited access to some of this, and hope to tastefully include some anonymous portions in the form of these BUZZes. Just look for the yellow bumble bees in the BoH Library. Some are free, but most will be partly invisible except to TGF supporters.

These all were things I felt I could and should add at the times that I added them. Some event in my life or the life of some friend usually drove its creation. Most were relatively small undertakings. Some were built on the back of previously started work.

For the same reasons, I've "fast-tracked" a very tiny number of audio clips to the Best of HealthLine page. (I haven't kept track of them. You can look for dates on the clips that are more recent than Feb. 2009.) But those few are rare exceptions to the fact that the library is still frozen at the range January 2008 through February 2009.

Virtually no support has come in that would enable me to do the BIG stuff. You want March 2009 to June 2012 (3 years' worth) of the Best of HealthLine, don't you? Yes, I do, too! But that's a huge task that will take months of full-time work. (And there's lots of other "big stuff" waiting, too.) And so far, there's been almost no financial support coming in. The trickle that has been there doesn't even cover the cost of recording the HealthLine show 6 days a week and making notes for future editing. Either the fans of the site, or the QRA practitioners, or someone else will have to step up to the plate and get this going. If it doesn't, Tom's Good Files will never grow and improve to be 10 times better than it is now; it will stay static and gradually become outdated. (Some parts already are, but I don't have time to "fix" them.) It's not just Best of HealthLine audio clips; there are tons of very useful resources, written and otherwise, that can be created and/or collected. (I can give you a partial list... Actually, I did so months ago.) It will take many man-months (that means a full-time income) to plow through the mountain. Only when those who want to benefit from it give within their abilities and desires, will it happen. I hate to be blunt, but that's the reality of it, at present. Even though the lowest monthly amount is only $5.46, I think noone has subscribed (even though affordable), because (I think) they (you) are thinking, "If I'm the only one, that's not going to accomplish anything worthwhile". As all may be thinking this, therefore, noone subscribes. While it's true that only one subscriber won't be enough, every little bit DOES help. If you want to see the rough, low-pay grunt work I'm doing to get by now, you can read "Tom's QRA Story". But while it's low pay and sometimes too intermittent, it DOES have the virtue that I can turn away gigs at will. THAT is a big reason for you to subscribe. Every little bit you give frees me up that much to turn away gigs (see http://www.tomsgoodfiles.com/qra-and-sign-spinning.htm) and work on TGF instead. And it's the regular giving (via automatic PayPal donations) that will make the difference, vs one-time gifts. For the sake of all future visitors to TGF, I hope I can one day soon turn away all those gigs that come my way (which are sometimes only sporadic) and let the high school and college kids take that work. I believe in God's natural laws of health as much as many of you, and I believe I'm in a strategic position to provide the "toppest" QRA educational resource on the earth to that end. If you decide to participate, you will get both the satisfaction of accomplishing something great for the world PLUS the access to a growing body of "member-only" Good Files (whether audio, video or written).

Of all the big projects pending, the "Buzzes" project is one of the big ones; some Buzzes will contain material that is so sensitive that only those who are financial supporters will be able to see those parts. Any small scraps of time I can scrounge to work on TGF have to be devoted to the work involved to create them, as they will be things people will want to pay to see. ("The laborer is worthy of his wages", Scripture tells us several times. Therefore I now have to largely limit my TGF focus to things that have the potential for bringing in the equivalent of wages.)

I've been repeatedly told, "Tom, why are you letting everyone listen to all that audio, totally for free??" I've lately been greatly tempted to bend on my long-term obstinance against blocking access of any of the audio clips. I refer many friends constantly to parts of it, and I greatly chaff at the thought of dealing with the tension between wanting to give it to friends (mostly skeptical ones), and having to keep it (partially) "locked up" to "members only". I am looking for other ways to "monetize" the site, which pretty much always means locking out some things except to "members". I'll try to let you know when significant changes are about to happen, but can't promise I'll write before they happen.

Nevertheless, in spite of this dark cloud over the future of TGF and of me, I'm very glad each of you wrote in at one time or another for whatever reason you did. Thank you for being a fan of TGF and of great health for yourself and your families. The availability of reliable recovery to great health is what has driven me to put as much into this as I have. (If interested, you could read the "book" of how I got into this; "Tom's QRA Story". Dec. 2009 in particular details how TGF became a real website, in a way not ever planned.)

If you have ideas, questions or comments, I'm open to listening. (Phone or email.)

Tom Cook
(407) 897-4063
TomCook @ TomsGoodfiles.com
Suffering from illness is now purely a choice... not a requirement.

P.S. This letter is going out to 160+ friends of TomsGoodFiles.com.

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