Letters to fans > Letter #5

From: Tom Cook
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: Updates to TomsGoodFiles.com, letter #5: SPECIAL NEWS to 115 friends

(The last and prior letters can be seen here: http://www.tomsgoodfiles.com/to-fans/letters-to-fans-menu.htm. If you haven't read the August 25th letter, please read it before this one.)

Hello health-seeking friends!


Tom's Good Files is now on Facebook. Not much there yet, but it's a start. If you're on Facebook, you can help by visiting it and "liking" it:


In the last 2 letters, I revealed (and documented) that the work to greatly increase the value and helpfulness of Tom's Good Files is so humongous as to require many months of full-time work. I can only do that if those who identify with the mission will support it. So far only 7.5 percent of the monthly pledges needed has come in. (Thank you to the two of you who have pledged so far.) I received letters from a couple of the rest of you:

This mother of 4 from out west writes in part:

Hi Tom,
Our finances are very, very bad right now, and my hubby is now in charge of every penny we spend, so [later] when we get our act together, I'd like to support you, too!
God bless you!
The family of a lady in my own church (who also happens to be a mother of 4) is in extremely strained financial times. She writes:
hey tom.
i really pray you will be fruitful in this endeavor. if i had any money to contribute i would try and do so. i have found all those audio clips helpful to me.
Those of you who believe in the mission of Tom's Good Files and fit into the financial hardship picture of these friends above should not donate. But I would urge the rest of you (assuming you still embrace QRA and the message of Tom's Good Files) to consider possibly helping. It's extremely easy. Just click the orange button on any page (or here - http://www.tomsgoodfiles.com/donate.htm). Then press the button "Donate via PayPal - Monthly". Just a few more easy clicks and PayPal will be totally set up to automatically make a donation for you each month without any active work on your part. (And if the minimum monthly amount there is too high for you, let me know as I can create a button with any amount.)

I told you in the July letter what I'd do for those who become regular partners. That was minimum. Regular partners will also receive upon request a set of business-like cards to give to others. I don't have them yet, but they will have 3 lines that look something like:






I, of course, will probably be the biggest distributor of these cards. I might even have them made up into 2 magnetic panels that stick to both front doors of my car! Those of you who are QRA practitioners (about 30 of you out of the 115 receiving this) will certainly want to give these out to your patients as a means for them gaining a clearer understanding of all you're doing for them. One layman wrote me last fall:
"I'm currently undergoing QRA treatment and there is not a day that goes by that I don't talk to someone about it and also that I don't hear of someone unnecessarily suffering from a condition that they are not receiving any help for (or receiving the proper care). Once I become completely healed (Lord willing), I will become an even larger ally to QRA (because I don't stay quiet real easy)."
My tentative plan is that anyone who becomes a monthly donor will receive as many cards as they can pass out. (But I'm still doing the numbers on that.)

So I hope each of you will review your motivations, resources and goals. And if it seems appropriate, join the mission to save lives by signing up to the team!

I just wrote to the list of my personal friends and family (about 360) about all this. In there, I included a letter from one of the 2 current supporters who had some significant things to say about the mission of Tom's Good Files. If you wish, you may read that whole mailing here:

Tom Cook
(407) 897-4063
TomCook @ TomsGoodfiles.com
One day, QRA exams will be as commonplace as dental exams.
Most disease will be gone. Will you hasten the day?
See how I got involved. Visit-->
And especially--> www.TomsGoodFiles.com/faq.htm

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